Feel the Rhythm of Korea: SEOUL

Enjoy wonderful attractions of South Korea with a lively, rhythmic sound! Korean Tourism Organization collaborated with an alternative pop band ‘LEENALCHI’ and ‘Ambiguous Dance Company’. Feel the rhythm of Korea with the music that is based on a traditional Korean folk tale and wonderful dance. It is time to fall in love with beautiful landmarks…

가야산 해인사

Haeinsa Temple was founded during the third year of King Ae-Jang’s reign (802), by two monks Suneung and Ijung. The name “Haein” originates from the expression Haeinsammae of Hwaeomgyeong (Buddhist scripture), which means truly enlightened world of Buddha and our naturally undefiled mind. 

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of…

Let’s Dance

My beloved, tonight it is more than perfect, the zephyr winds sing sweetly your name and the crystal stars shine like your earrings. As the White Mountains glint gracefully, and the wind speaks over our fingers, upon our balcony, let’s dance, my beloved. Now over the thousand streams and star crystals in the air, You…


大企業、PLグループ会長が意識不明の重体となるが、一人娘で唯一の家族のオ・ヨン(ソン・ヘギョ)は視覚障害を持っていた。後継者問題が浮上するなか、ヨンは幼少期に家を出た兄からの手紙を受け取る。手紙に書かれた住所を頼りに兄に会いに行くが、そこにいたのは、兄と同姓同名の友人で詐欺師のオ・ス(チョ・インソン)だった。その矢先、オ・スは組織のボスの金を横領した疑いで追われ、一緒に逃げるはめになったヨンの実兄は車にはねられ死んでしまう。呆然とするなか、オ・スは警察に拘束され、ヨンには父が危篤という連絡が入るのだった。1年後、出所したオ・スは雇われヤクザのチョ・ムチョル(キム・テウ)から、横領した大金を100日以内に返さなければ命はないと脅迫される。一方、ヨンは父が亡くなり、名ばかりの会長の座についていた。そんななか、オ・スのもとには会長の子息を捜して弁護士が訪ねてくる。会長の息子と間違われたオ・スは、思わず本人の振りをしてしまう。金が必要なオ・スは弟分のパク・ジンソン(キム・ボム)と組み、“財閥の御曹司”として、PLグループ会長宅に乗り込む。初めは金目当てで“妹”ヨンに近づいたオ・スだが、目が見えず、人に懐疑心を抱いて生きるヨンに触れ、親に捨てられ孤独に生きてきた自分と似たものを感じていく。頑なに心を閉ざしていたヨンも、オ・スの温かさに触れ次第に心を開いていくが、ヨンの世話をするワン秘書(ペ・ジョンオク)はオ・スの正体を怪しんでい 生きたい男と、死にたい女。孤独な心と孤独な心が引き合う時… チョ・インソンとソン・ヘギョが贈る正統派ラブストーリー https://programs.sbs.co.kr/drama/baramibunda https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%EA%B7%B8%EA%B2%A8%EC%9A%B8%EB%B0%94%EB%9E%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%B6%84%EB%8B%A4 雪花 (その冬、風が吹く MV) – Geomi (youtube) 冬の恋 (その冬、風が吹く MV) – The One (youtube)

G Suite legacy free edition

https://support.google.com/a/answer/2855120 Keep using reduced business features for free If you signed up for G Suite before December 6, 2012 and have been using the legacy free edition of G Suite since that time, you can continue your service for free, without any change in service. The fact that we discontinued the free edition for new…

Memory Of The Wind

When the wind blows and shakes up my heart I think of the past times And close my two eyes The silent trembling that passes me by At that small sound I open my ears The growing pieces of life that breathe inside me When they bump against and pass me by Then look at…

The Place Where the Wind Blows

I’m going to the place, the place where the wind blows To under the tree that’s like your hair While leaning against the shaking train, I write you a letter About the path I saw in my dream; I’m standing in that path Although it’s an unstable happiness that I anticipate yet fear; Although there…